
Oslomet at Rodini Necropolis


In July 29 and 30, 2020, representatives of the Metropolitan University of Oslo (OsloMet), Professor Dimitris Kraniotis and PhD candidate Petros Choidis came to Rhodes to visit the monuments of the program. They visited the fortress of Agios Nikolaos and the tower of Naillac with the members of the Ephorate participating in the program, [...]

Oslomet at Rodini Necropolis2024-01-10T08:32:32+00:00

RED Survey in Venice


RED conducted a two-days survey in Venice. They surveyed 120 buildings of the city to create an exposure database of the city. IUAV and UNIPD helped, as guide of the city and for the identification of the buildings’ materials. During two intense on-field working days more then 120 buildings have been mapped, from the [...]

RED Survey in Venice2024-01-10T08:32:33+00:00

EFAD Visit to Rodini


During June and July, 2020 the 5th Ephorate of antiquities of the Dodecanese, participated in a series of important actions for the HYPERION program progress. From the 15th to the 24th of June 2020, the research group from the Laboratory of Photogrammetry of the National Technical University of Athens arrived in Rhodes, under Professor [...]

EFAD Visit to Rodini2024-01-10T08:32:33+00:00

Visit to Clock Tower in Venice


On 10/6/2020 UniPD and IUAV visited the Clock Tower in the Test Site of Venice. The purpose of this visit, by our partners, was to determine how and where smart tags can be located in the Test Site.The group examined all possible location, for placing the measuring kit, considering all the factors that may [...]

Visit to Clock Tower in Venice2024-01-10T08:32:34+00:00

Visit to Lardos


On, December 12th, 2019, staff from the Ephorate of Antiquities of the Dodecanese visited the modern quarry at Stegna, at Lardos area, Rhodes, to select, the appropriate sandstone samples and samples from Lartios stone. The samples were sent to the University of Padova (UNIPD) to study the behavior of the stone under rapid aging [...]

Visit to Lardos2024-01-10T08:32:35+00:00

EFAD, University of Padova


After the end of the Program Meeting on October 24th and 25th, the partners from the University of Padova Department of Geological Research, Professor Claudio Mazzoli and Dr. Chiara Colletti had the opportunity, in cooperation with the Ephorate of Antiquities of Rhodes in the program context, to visit Rodini Park and the quarries from where [...]

EFAD, University of Padova2024-01-10T08:32:35+00:00

1st visit of Research groups from OSLOMET in Slottsfjellet museum in Tønsberg, Norway


Ongoing activities and continuous monitoring of the historic timber buildings located at Slottsfjellsmuseet in Tønsberg, Norway is conducted by Oslo Metropolitan University research groups The documentation of the deterioration of the Fadum storehouse is one of the case studies of the HYPERION project. Following you can see a photo from the first [...]

1st visit of Research groups from OSLOMET in Slottsfjellet museum in Tønsberg, Norway2024-01-10T08:32:36+00:00

1st programme outdoor activity


Τhe first program outdoor activity was held in Tønsberg; Norway from 3-10/10/2019 As part of the Hyperion EU project, samples of local rock were taken from the Tønsberg pilot-area to be sent to Italy for analysis. Rhomb porphyry (Rombeporfyr) and a local Monzonite, called Tønsbergite, were used for the construction of the castle on [...]

1st programme outdoor activity2024-01-10T08:32:37+00:00
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